Sparkling Vampires. Okay let's not laugh about this. But if you really can't help it, be my guest.
There is just something about the conversation I had this morning that jingled my urge to write a blog entry. The idea, actually, had been squirming in my head since last night, but this early morning's dialogue just pushed it to a "go".
One word: Vampires
I developed a premature fondness over Vampires in my younger years, having watched old films of Dracula and other interesting facts about those blood-sucking critters.

Other vampire movies that followed suit: Blade and Van Helsing (but not so much due to the Lycan involvement).
No, I haven't watched Nosferatu. I'm not yet that of a hardcore fan. Although some say, it's the creepiest vampire movie ever made.
I retained my interest in vampires as I've become an avid viewer (addicted even) of AXN's Buffy the Vampire Slayer series that had Sarah Michelle Gellar as the infamous blonde, two-fanged-ass-kicking chosen slayer.
It's pretty interesting how vampires no longer age, feel pain or be subject to human sufferings. Of course, their exceptional beauty upon transformation, unfailing charisma to humans and supernatural abilities were added factors for my lured interest.
Those were the good ole days. When vampires roll and burn at the first streak of sunlight, when they flee at the sight of a garlic clove, when their best hang-outs were in cemeteries and when they sneak in for a bite.
NOW. There's the overly glimmified blood-suckers and cliched cold-hearted-vampy-needs-some-lovey-dovey.
Insert Twilight here.
No offense to Stephanie Meyer, that's her own perception of Vampires.
But, really, SPARKLING vampires? Has all the scary figure, lurking creature of the night really turned into a softie?
Weakness/es: Love?
And here's another thing.
I hate it when Vampires are mixed with Werewolves. Yes, I get it they're natural born enemies and all that. But it's like watching a Freddy versus Jason thrill film. Vamps have their own thing as well as those wolves.
Am I the only one who thinks about these? I mean, I watched a better vampire movie last night and it doesn't even compare to Twilight.
Remember "We Are The Night"?
Still a better love story than Twilight.
Ah, I see where the problem lies. It just overstretched itself on the bounds of fiction. It tried to be believable that it sort of distorted our outlook on vampires. Or was it due to what we were accustomed to believe about them?
Bah, head hurts. The books are good enough, I just don't know about the movie. Not satisfied about it I guess.
All I know is, Vampires don't sparkle unless they came from the breed of Tinkerbell.