1. An unsuspecting quiz at a subject you
suck at. Ironically, you have already expected your score.
2. Be caught in the spotlight when your
boss suddenly asked you a question you are downright flustered to answer. And
within a span of seconds you have already conjured thoughts of how to kill him.
But you can't, so you're just content with torturing him in your head.
3. Knowing the answer to a question that
you're too shy to voice out until someone else does and you just mentally note to
yourself, "Damn, I was right".
4. People ignore you and everything you do
or say just goes unappreciated, especially whenever you've gone out of your way
to show some effort.
5. Assuming someone you like likes you
back, only to find out that you're wrong. And worst, everything they do just
gets your hopes up and end up confusing you all the while (I really don't see
the point of people doing this).
6. They use you as a "flirt
buddy" and go ballistic whenever you mention "feelings" and
7. Used up all your savings right at the
time you're in dire need of it.
8. Bummed out that you can't hang-out with
your friends because you're unfortunately grounded or tied up with schoolwork
or a tight deadline.
10. Realizing that your fly was open after
almost an hour of teaching and pacing to and fro in front of 39 students.
11. Accidentally letting some drool slip
caused by laughing too much.
12. Waking up from a quick nap and
discovering your test paper is visibly almost covered in your own drool and there's
only 5 minutes left before you turn it in.
13. Having a really creepy stalker that the
very breath of him makes you uneasy (e.i. when he's behind you, which is his
favorite place to be in a matter of speaking) and stares at you in the most creepy
way even after you've ended the conversation you were forcibly had to share and
hinted numerous times that you're ignoring him.
14. Being forced to eat something you don't
even imagine putting in your mouth just because you're in a tight spot (e.g.
First Dinner with your boy/girlfriend's family, Lunch out with bosses, first
date with a very hard to impress crush, and etc.)
15. Being left alone you feel incredibly
16. When you can't take back the all the
painful things you've already said.
17. Disappointing those people you look up
to or trust you.
18. Watching the one you love being totally
smitten by someone else.
19. Having no real friends.
20. Being bitter due to all the hardships
and aches you've encountered and carried with you. Eventually, being engulfed
in the hatred of the things that had passed and towards yourself.
21. Having to stay behind as you watch
someone you really care about leave you with no assurance of their return.
22. Not wanting to become the person you
hate the most but in the fervent struggle to veer away from that path, you lose
sight of who you really are.